Can I just start this off by saying I can't believe I've let over a month go by since my last post? First off, I must check my apartment for wormholes and/or rips in the space/time continuum, as I am certain it was still the middle of summer a hot second ago. Time, man. Crazy stuff. I don't want to give the wrong impression: the month of August wasn't me sippin' mojitos by the pool (note to self: that sounds awesome. Find pool. Acquire mojitos). It's just that I took on a handful of long-term projects, two of which have FINALLY wrapped. WOOT. The first is a print version of my portfolio, professionally bound (SQUEEE) and in transit to me AS WE SPEAK (I'll post on that soon ... should be arriving in a mere two days!). The second is a project that is a bit ... atypical for me.
I feel like I should give some background on why this is.
Just kidding. I have always been awesome. Just ask my mom. Totally cool. However, I've never really been the type that wanted to settle down (at least not immediately). But being from the midwest, this was not always so very common. I've been out of high school for a decade now (Seriously. Not cool, time.) and almost everyone I know from those days have long since married, many now with families and mortgages and all the other adult things that adults have. Adults.
So while I've spent my twenties pulling caffeine-fueled all-nighters to crank out that last drawing that will totally make my super important presentation that I have IN LESS THAN 12 HOURS - OH GOD, TIME, YOU DEMON-MONSTER, my peers were making tiny humans. And it's not that I don't want a family. I do. It's just that babies are a lot of work. And messy. And loud. And scary. I guess I've just never been that close to kids.
When my sister told me that she was expecting, I was so excited for her. I knew that she really wanted to start a family, and I was curious what this whole baby thing was all about (some reason, there aren't that many of them in grad school ... must be the lack of nap-time). I couldn't have imagined how enamored I would be with that little girl. She's sweetness and sass, as only a 2 year old can be. But she's also quirky, and oddly tidy, and bossy (just like her momma). She's curious but also a total scaredy cat. She's funny, and silly, and the pickiest human of any size I have ever encountered.
And it's her birthday. What on earth do you get a picky, sassy, silly, angelic little girl who doesn't need anything?
How about a stuffed Jackalope doll with bendy antlers and a fluffy tail? I must say. I nailed it.
I set the pink bag with pink tissue paper sticking out of it in front of Lucy. Kind of a cheap move. I knew she wouldn't be able to resist: she's been pulling everything out of my Mom's purse since she was 9 months old, separating the objects by what is pink, and what isn't (did I mention she's oddly tidy?).
She carefully removes the paper from the bag, leans over and peers inside. She grabs the doll by the arm, holds it out in front of her and just looks at it. For seconds. And hours (I swear). Until finally ...
Heart. Melted. Done. Puddle of pure joy.
So here's how to make it ... if you, too want to melt when a small human adopts it as its own small human.
1 Skein of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino Yarn (color A: Medium Gray)
1 Skein of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino Yarn (color B: Off White)
1 Skein of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino Yarn (color B: Off White)
Polyfill Stuffing
Size US 5 Crochet Hook
Tapestry Needle
Embroidery Floss (color: Black)
Embroidery Floss (color: Black)
Amigurumi Safety Eyes (size 6mm)
Row 1: Chain (Ch) 2, Ch into 1st stitch forming a loop, Ch 1
Row 2: In the same direction (do not turn work) single crochet (SC) 6 stitches in center of loop, PM (place marker)
Row 3: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch* repeat until end of row, PM (12 stitches)
Row 4: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 1 stitch* repeat until end of row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 5: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 2 stithces* repeat until end of row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 6: SC entire row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 7: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 3 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 8: SC entire row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 9: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 4 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (36 stitches)
Row 10-17: SC entire row, PM (36 stitches)
Row 18: In same direction, *SC 4 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (30 stitches)**
Row 19: SC entire row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 20: In same direction, *SC 3 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 21: SC entire row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 22: In same direction, *SC 2 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 23: In same direction, *SC 1 stitch, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (12 stitches)
Row 24: In same direction, *SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (6 stitches)
Bind off
**As you’re decreasing, stuff the piece incrementally with the polyfill as you will not have space to do so upon completion. Place safety eyes between rows 13 and 14. Attach washers.
Row 1: Chain (Ch) 2, Ch into 1st stitch forming a loop, Ch 1
Row 2: In the same direction (do not turn work) single crochet (SC) 6 stitches in center of loop, PM (place marker)
Row 3: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch* repeat until end of row, PM (12 stitches)
Row 4: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 1 stitch* repeat until end of row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 5: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 2 stithces* repeat until end of row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 6: SC entire row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 7: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 3 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 8: SC entire row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 9: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 4 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (36 stitches)
Row 10-16: SC entire row, PM (36 stitches)
Row 17: In same direction, *SC 4 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (30 stitches)**
Row 18-24: SC entire row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 25: In same direction, *SC 3 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 26-32: SC entire row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 33: In same direction, *SC 2 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 34: In same direction, *SC 1 stitch, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (12 stitches)
Row 35: In same direction, *SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (6 stitches
Bind off
**As you’re decreasing, stuff the piece incrementally with the polyfill as you will not have space to do so upon completion.
(make 2)
Row 1: Chain (Ch) 2, Ch into 1st stitch forming a loop, Ch 1
Row 2: In the same direction (do not turn work) single crochet (SC) 6 stitches in center of loop, PM (place marker)
Row 3: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch* repeat until end of row, PM (12 stitches)
Row 4: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 1 stitch* repeat until end of row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 5: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 2 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 6: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 3 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 7-13: SC entire row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 14: In same direction, *SC 3 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (24 stitches)**
Row 15-21: SC entire row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 22: In same direction, *SC 2 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 23-29: SC entire row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 30: In same direction, *SC 1 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (12 stitches)
Row 31: In same direction, *SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (6 stitches)
Bind off
**As you’re decreasing, stuff the piece incrementally with the polyfill as you will not have space to do so upon completion.
(make 2)
Row 1: Chain (Ch) 2, Ch into 1st stitch forming a loop, Ch 1
Row 2: In the same direction (do not turn work) single crochet (SC) 6 stitches in center of loop, PM (place marker)
Row 3: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch* repeat until end of row, PM (12 stitches)
Row 4: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 1 stitch* repeat until end of row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 5: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 2 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 6: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 3 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 7: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 4 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (36 stitches)
Row 8: In same direction, *SC twice in one stitch, SC 5 stitches* repeat until end of row, PM (42 stitches)
Row 9: In same direction, SC two stitches together (decrease) SC until end of the row, PM (41 stitches)
Row 10: In same direction, SC two stitches together (decrease) SC until end of the row, PM (40 stitches)
Row 11: In same direction, SC two stitches together (decrease) SC until end of the row, PM (39 stitches)
Row 12: In same direction, SC two stitches together (decrease) SC until end of the row, PM (38 stitches)
Row 13: In same direction, SC two stitches together (decrease) SC until end of the row, PM (37 stitches)
Row 14: In same direction, SC two stitches together (decrease) SC until end of the row, PM (36 stitches)
Row 15-21: SC entire row, PM (36 stitches)
Row 22: In same direction, *SC 4 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (30 stitches)**
Row 23-29: SC entire row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 30: In same direction, *SC 3 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 31-37: SC entire row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 38: In same direction, *SC 2 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 39: In same direction, *SC 1 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (12 stitches)
Row 40: In same direction, *SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (6 stitches)
Bind off
**As you’re decreasing, stuff the piece incrementally with the polyfill as you will not have space to do so upon completion.
(make 2)
Row 1: Chain (Ch) 36, Ch into 1st stitch forming a loop, Ch 1
Row 2: In the same direction (do not turn work) single crochet (SC) 36 stitches in center of loop, PM (place marker)
Row 3-18: In the same direction, SC until the end of row, PM (36 stitches)
Row 19: In the same direction, *SC 4 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (30 stitches)
Row 20: In the same direction, *SC 3 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (24 stitches)
Row 21: In the same direction, *SC 2 stitches, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (18 stitches)
Row 22: In the same direction, *SC 1 stitch, SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (12 stitches)
Row 23: In the same direction, *SC two stitches together (decrease)* repeat until end of row, PM (6 stitches)
Bind off
(make 2)

With color B, Chain (Ch) 5, Ch 1 into first stitch, ch1
Row 2: In same direction, SC 5, Place marker (PM)
Slip the ring onto the base of the pipe cleaner. The remainder of the crocheting will take place directly around the antler shape.
*Repeat Row 2 until 1/8” below the first branch. Select the two stitches that are closest to the branch in the following row, SC until those 2 stitches, SC two in one stitch for 2 stitches, SC until the end of the row, PM (7 stitches).
In the following row, find the 3 stitches that are closest to the branch, SC until those stitches, SC two in one stitch for 3 stitches, SC until the end of row, PM (10 Stitches)
In the following row, find the 5 stitches that are closest to the new branch, SC until the last of these 5 stitches, SC into the first of these five stitches. You have now created a new circle. SC for as many rows until this branch is covered. Bind off.*
Chain 1 in the 5 remaining open stitches at the base of the first branch, SC until the end of row, PM. Repeat from * until all branches are covered.
You should have already placed the safety eyes in your doll. They look the most adorable if they about half way up the dolls head. Too high and the face looks too long, too low and it looks too squished. I like them placed about an inch apart from each other, but really just put them wherever you like.
Embroider the mouth. I liked a nice wide mouth, but many prefer more of a square. If you’re like me, the ends of the stitch should be directly below the eyes an about a row apart from top to bottom.

Attach the arms to the body. About two to three rows down from the head connection, place the arm. Flatten the tops of the arm so they form a straight line, parallel with the ground if the doll was standing up. Attach the arms following the stitch pattern of the body. Pay attention to where they are being attached so that the doll is as close to symmetrical as possible.
Attach the legs to the body. Instead of using the stitches to mark the sewing pattern, place the doll on its back. Place the legs next to the body, the top of the legs should be about even with the widest point of the body (go a row lower if you’re not sure). Now, imagine a small circle that traces the point where the body and the leg touches. Follow that small circle for you sewing. You’ll notice that the legs fall to the back the doll if you’re looking at it in profile. This is good! It gives the doll a small belly (adorable!) and gives the legs the look of coming out of hips.
Attach the ears. Fold the ears in half lengthwise (hot dog style, as my mom would say), in this shape align them on the head so the seam points front to back. There should be about a half inch clearance between the two ears and they should be centered, front to back on the head. Sew them in place so that they are as vertical as possible.
Attach the antlers. Position the antlers so that they are directly in front of the seams of the ears. Give them one row of clearance. Stick the exposed pipe cleaner into the head of the doll. Using color B, stitch them into place.
The tail. Using color B, create a small pom pom. You can either follow this tutorial, or (like I did) just use a fork! Place a 4 inch length of yarn through the center tines. Then just wrap around all four tines of the fork with one long continuous string. One you get it to the thickness you like, tie the 4 inch string up and over the looping and tighten it as much as you can. Cut the loops along the outer tines to create a series of individual strings. Tighten the 4inch long string again, as much as possible. Tie it off and use the long ends to sew to the (adorable little) bottom of the doll.
And that’s it! No go give it to someone to love.
I'd love to hear what you think! Or if you have questions, just comment below and I'll try to clarify!
I must add this project is totally Lucy approved. She loves it! Thanks again Aunt Jill!
ReplyDeleteSO CUTE.
ReplyDeleteLovely, thank you!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure! I'd love to hear how the pattern works out for you